Calgary Water Main Rupture

Class Action Against the City of Calgary.

What is the lawsuit about?

Napoli Shkolnik Canada is representing Angel’s Café, a prominent local restaurant in Montgomery, in a class action against the City of Calgary following the catastrophic rupture of the Bearspaw water main on June 5, 2024. The rupture, caused by known defects in the water main dating back to its installation in the 1970s,resulted in significant disruptions to the city’s water supply, severely harming many local businesses.

This lawsuit is also meant to serve as a wakeup call for municipalities across Canada who fail to adequately inspect, maintain, and repair critical pieces of municipal infrastructure, highlighting the urgent need for stricter enforcement of safety regulations and investment in infrastructure resilience. It underscores the importance for proactive measures to ensure the safety and functionality of public assets that communities rely on daily. 

A Known Issue

The Bearspaw water main is a prestressed concrete cylinder pipe that was manufactured and installed in the 1970s. These pipes are known to suffer from several significant defects, making them prone to corrosion and at increased risk of catastrophic premature failure. This risk materialized on June 5, prompting emergency measures including road closures, water usage restrictions, and a boil-water advisory affecting numerous Calgary residents and businesses.

Angel’s Café, situated near the rupture site, experienced multiple closures and severe economic losses during critical weekends such as Father’s Day and Canada Day Weekend, traditionally busy periods for the restaurant. It also suffered physical damage to its property caused by a water line rupture during the City’s attempts to restore the Bearspaw water main, exacerbating the financial impact.

The claim against the City of Calgary

The claim alleges that the City of Calgary failed to adequately maintain and repair the Bearspaw water main despite knowledge of its inherent defects and the potential for catastrophic premature failure. The legal action seeks compensation for physical damage and direct economic losses suffered as a result of the City’s negligence and breach of contract.

Statement of Claim

Please find the filed Statement of Claim here

For further details and inquiries about this lawsuit, please contact us.


Cafe launches lawsuit against city over water feeder main break, Calgary Herald (July 19, 2024)

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Opioids Continue to Devastate Canada


Opioids claimed 34,455 deaths between January 2016 and September 2022.

According to the Canadian government’s Health Infobase, between January 2019 and September 2021, Canada experienced an average of 20 deaths per day related to opioid toxicity, with a peak of 21 deaths per day in 2021.

In 2017, enough oral solid opioids were prescribed to provide every Canadian with the equivalent of over 1 mg of morphine per day.

Drug overdoses accounted for approximately 17% of all deaths among Canadians aged 30 to 39 in 2019, and 13% of deaths among those aged 40 to 49.

There were more than 28,000 Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responses to suspected opioid-related overdoses in 2022 (January – September).

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At Napoli Shkolnik Canada our goal is to help you in your time of need and to be there for you every step of the way. Reach out today to find out how we can help.

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